We always provide the better choice for you.
Band Equalizers
Band Attenuators

In the CATV system, since the coaxial cable has different degrees of attenuation for high frequency and low frequency signals, or different strong and weak signal bands, it is necessary to perform equalization compensation or attenuate the signal of a certain frequency band to avoid intermodulation distortion.

The circuit structure of these special band attenuators and band equalizers was first invented by Soontai.

Soontai has the expertise and experience to provide you with a complete range of high quality equalizers, reverse equalizers, band equalizers and band attenuators to meet your needs.

In addition, we also offer a variety series of Attenuators.




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  > Band Attenuators
  Cable Assemblies
  Calibration Kits
  DC Blocks
  Diplexers, Triplexers
  > Equalizers
  > Band Equalizers
  Impedance Converters
  Power Inserters
  Splitters, Taps
  Surge Protectors
  Torque Wrenches


   High Performance
     RF Accessories


   Registered to ISO 9001
   Certificate TW12/11128


  Band Attenuators 
 Return Path Attenuator + HPF
 High Performance
 BAT1 series

 Return Path Attenuator
 Mini Size
 BAT2 series

 Forward Path Attenuator
 High Performance

 BAT3 series
 Return Path Attenuator + HPF
 Mini Size
 BAT4 series

 Forward Path Attenuator
 Mini Size
 BAT5 series

 Forward Path Attenuator
 Economic Series

 BAT6 series
 EQ1 series

 Reverse Equalizer
 Cable Loss Simulator
 EQ2 series

 Module type

 MDEQ1 series
  Band Equalizers 
 Forward Path Equalizer
 High Performance

 BEQ1 series
 Forward Path Equalizer

 BEQ2 series
 Forward Path
 Reverse Equalizer

 BEQ3 series
 Forward Path Equalizer
 Economic series

 BEQ4 series


No.59, Dawan E. Rd., Yongkang Dist., Tainan City 710024, Taiwan
TEL: 886-6-2720168        FAX: 886-6-2719511
http://www.soontai.com.tw  http://www.soontai.com   E-mail:soontai@soontai.com
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